Honey bee Swarm Lures
I sell my lures world wide so If your serious about catching swarms this year that could save you up to £200 per swarm (£200 based on a 6 frame nuc price for 2013)
These swarm lures contain chemical compounds contained within the bees nasonov gland and are in individually sealed packets, keeping them fresher and ready for use!
A Single Honey Bee swarm lures that are ready to use and won't need topping up if used correctly, so get ready as swarm season runs from April to August in the U.K.
a few quick and easy tips for success:
Don't place swarm box's in direct sunlight.
bees use hedge rows and other land marks to navigate so putting your box's near possible flight paths will help.
use a box's of about 40 litres with a one inch entrance, if you can get the box to hold a few frames even better.
don't over power the box with the smell of the lure this can put the bees off, just pin a few holes in the lid and if you can get some old comb.
If your trying to get a swarm to move in to your hive put a solid bottom on it, or cover the mesh floor.
place the box as high as you can safely, avoid using a ladder it's not worth doing yourself an injury as some swarms can be heavy :)
once a swarm moves in leave them alone for a few days 2-3, then feed a 1:1 sugar syrup to help them make wax.
So a 6 frame Nuc's of bees now costing around £200 and 1 lure potentially catching a swarm that's two hundred pounds worth of bees or more if you reuse the lure and I want you to be successful, I've seen these lures retail for as much as £6 + p&p a lure.
This lure should be kept cool and stored and in an air tight container and only opened when it is ready to be used. Do not stand around with it open as it may attract the bees to you and that's not where we want them.
Warning: do not rub on polyhives as it may melt them instead rub lure in the top bars of the frames.